Friday, March 7, 2008

Blogs, blogs, blogs

Not that anyone cares, but I thought I'd share some of the blogs I like to keep up on. Chances are, most of you reading this (if there are really any of you out there...) are already familiar with these. But whatever. I wanted to post, and today has been a blog binge day, so there. Though by blogging about blogs my page may very well collapse into a black blog hole. I'll take the risk.

First is a seasoned, intelligent blogger who calls himself "The Professor". Cat introduced me to this one, as he is her brother's girlfriend's brother. So in other words, he's someone I don't really know, but I'm cyberstalking anyway. Well, kind of. Movie reviews, music, random rants, it's got all you could ever want. Check this one out at

Next, my aunt. Most of you won't really care about this one, seeing as you don't know her, her children, or her many many dogs. Anyway, figured I'd include it anyway. I like it, and she's my favorite aunt. Also, she's started another blog for bitchy rantings, on my suggestion, so that should be interesting. No posts yet, but we're waiting. So yeah, this one's

Another one not everyone will care about, and that sometimes I feel like a weirdo reading. The family blog of (to many of us) a dear friend, Christopher Hill. Now this didn't become interesting, until his bro in-law posted a letter from him. Something I'm quite interested in, updates from Chris, so here you go,

Next is Ashley's brother Matt, whom I adore, and if I'm not mistaken, adores me. He kind of reminds me of my cousin Ben (whose mother's blog was mentioned earlier). Anyway, I like the way he does it, keeping it simple. He posts random facts daily and the ever-intriguing Tuesday Tirade. This one's at, quite aptly named,

The final three go in the same category, but are all very different...the friend blogs.

Ashley's blog is, as expected, and is customary for a blog, random thoughts and impressions of hers. Which are like no other, and always interesting to read. Especially when influenced/not influenced by behavioral medications. A glimpse into Ashley's brain,

Cat, the cultural whore she is, has a blog dedicated to that very whoredom. And I mean this in a good way. Cat tells me about things I wish I knew about and hate myself for not knowing. It's a good thing. And Cat's a Beatles fanatic. Just thought I'd add that. Another thing I envy. Catty Cat's blog, (named after her potential future band)

Finally, the newest, and still one of the greats, Paige's blog. The first post affirms why I both love and hate her so much. And why we're such great friends and bitter rivals. Ok, so not rivals, but we have our moments. Anyway, Paige is an incredible writer/poet/mind, so this one will only improve, I'm sure. Clever little Paige is found at

So there they are. Keep blogging, keep reading blogs, I don't know how to end this inappropriately motivational sentence...


Cat said...

So, maybe it's weird, but i just can't stop reading this one. Maybe it's because I'm narcissistic and love seeing my name in print, my blog publicized, and being called a culture whore (seriously, that has been my one goal in life, and now it is achieved), maybe it is because I love reading blogs and about blogs, but I think a big part of it is that your writing rocks. You really do need to be a reviewer. You've got it made.

Jonny Boy said...

Well, Cat its the only kind of whore you're likely to ever be called. Nextly, I agree with you Kelsey on the blogs that I'm aware of or would have interest in reading.