Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hope. Something transient, ethereal. It's a dreamer's word. No one takes hope seriously; confined to its curly letters inscribed on wooden blocks. I don't. I didn't. Until now. It's no small thing, it's nothing to be ignored. Thousands, millions, droves of people now daring to utter it, to let it fill them up. Hope that maybe something will be different. Hope that maybe someone will finally push in the other direction. Hope that the pattern can be changed. Hope that "Yes, We Can."

But hope doesn't count, they say. Hope can't change things, words can't change things. Oh, and not to mention, Hope is nothing without experience. Show us what Hope has done. Tell me one specific thing Hope has accomplished. You can't, so Hope can't be trusted. You can't be trusted. You can't be taken seriously.

Oh. And Hope's middle name is Hussein.


Ashley said...

I love you.
I completely agree.
We had a convo about this I'm certain.
I love your writing. I especially love this line "confined to its curly letters inscribed on wooden blocks". Aww I love you.

Cat said...

Ashley, you stole my comment! I was going to talk about the curly letters. A beautiful sentence. Well done. Plus, you are officially part of my daily blogs.

Paige said...

This is my least favorite of your blogs. It doesn't sound like you. It's weird.